Monday, May 6, 2013

My story


When I was about three I was put in the hospital for one to two weeks. I had troubles breathing. While in the hospital all I wanted to do was watch Barney. If Barney was on I would sit and watch it for days. I was put under a breathing tent. For a three year old to come done with breathing problems was not good. After I got out of the hospital every day twice a day for a while I had to have breathing treatments it was not fun I always fought with my mom when it came time to do it.

When it came time for me to play sport my mom was very scared of weather I was able to breathe running around. But I was just fine. When I was in high school I never had a problem with breathing. I played sports year around volleyball, basketball, softball and in the summer I had a mixture of all of them. I never once had to have breathing treatment or an inhaler my high school years.

My ninth grade year was when high school sports started. My favorite sport was softball I loved being outside and everything else about it. My motto for softball was if you jersey after the game was not full of dirt then you didn’t play hard enough. I worked so hard to become are varsity pitcher and when it became my freshman year I started as are pitcher for the varsity team. If I was to go back to when I was three I would have never thought I would have been the starting pitcher as a freshman.

In life I have over came many challenge that have knocked me down.  But I have always picked myself up and learned from each challenge.

This picture above is a pitcher of my senior year when we were fifth in are conference. But when it came down to district tournament we came in first place. Are first game of district we played a three hour softball game that I pitched the whole game.


This lady is an awesome teacher! This message means to me that I do not always have to be in the front of the classroom every day. My student can be the teacher and I can learn more by what each child has learned and show the other students. Letting student figure out new software on their own is awesome because they can explore and learn different thing that other student may never figure out but they can share what they have learned with their friends. Also just me as a teacher lecture vocabulary word is very boring and I will lose a lot of my student’s attention. Having them work hand on with a project will keep them interested. Students are more likely to like a project if it is done on the computer and they can design it the way they want. Then having a boring sheet of paper in front of them and a plan dull pencil to write with. By using computer the dull and boringness goes away.

 This teacher is also inspiring because not only is she working with student in the United States but she is working with other students from different cultures. Also having some of her student go with her and travel the work is a hand on history lesson. You get to learn a lot more about the culture when you are actually there then when you are seeing it threw a computer screen.

Social Networking

Cyberparenting and the Risk of T.M.I.

 This article is about parents pretty much stalking their children social media. Parents will go look at all the child pictures post and everything that they are doing. When it comes to social media parents will stalk other child social media when their child is hanging out with them. This is not the only way you can learn about the children you child hangs out with you can invite them over for lunch or dinner and get to know the true them not the social media child. Being a student now I know that parents need to give their children some space or they will rebel. But in a parents point of view if my child was hanging out with some student that always get in trouble, they drink, do drug, or smoke. That is when the parent needs to come in and follow up on their child’s social media. Not when they child never gets in trouble. When you smother a child they will fill controlled and want to rebel no child wants to be held down. So before you go stocking just sit down and talk with your child.

Facebook is No. 1 social network in 127 countries, study finds

Facebook has become the number one social network in 127 countries, because there is so much you can do on facebook. You can catch up with friends that you cannot talk to or see everyday because they are too far away. There are many games that you can challenge you friends and play against them. You are also able to share picture with you friend. When it comes to facebook, which is one of my favorite social networks. I have been a facebook user for over five years now. I have never regretted getting a facebook. I have kept me busy at times when I had nothing to do.